Marjolein Dallinga - upcoming exhibition in Prato

Marjolein Dallinga’s exhibition in Prato

Marjolein Dallinga, the renowned Canadian fiber artist, has chosen Prato for her first solo exhibition.

Indeed, Marjolein Dallinga will be a guest at Museo del Tessuto in Prato to show her felt works: 14 textile sculptures inspired by the famous painting ‘The Garden of Earthly Delights’ by Hieronymus Bosch. These works reflect the artist’s subconscious mind, with evocative colors and soft, surreal shapes. We have the privilege of sponsoring the event. We invite you to read the interview with Marjolein Dallinga below, but above all to visit the exhibition. You won’t be disappointed, because the works and the location are both amazing! October, Museo del Tessuto. Exhibition opening October 15 at 5pm.


Hi Marjolein, first of all, how are you?
Buona Giornata Annalisa, I am well, thank you.

Your solo exhibition is opening October 15th at the Museo del Tessuto in Prato. We can’t wait! What are your expectations for this new experience, and why did you choose our city for this important event?
Well, actually Your City choose me, I have never been there, The invitation came as a wonderful surprise ,I feel very honoured and grateful  for this opportunity. My expectations ?  I try not to have them ,to stay open for all experiences and to learn more. It is am important event for me, I hope to do more museum work here in my new adopted country. I have been working a whole year on this show in Prato,I like this focus and hope to make even bigger work in the future.

Marjolein Dallinga and Bosh homage

The exhibition is called The Garden Of Delights. The title is clearly a homage to Hieronymus Bosch’s painting. What does your exhibition have in common with the painting?
The title came to me while I was making the last works for this show. I have been always fascinated by this painting. Later  I saw it during my visual art studies in Madrid. This painting is very intriguing and mysterious.  I think it is still very modern. The painting has a duality which I see in my own work: monstrousness and tender beauty. In daily life we try to made ourselves understood in the language of others but in the night when our rationality fall asleep an unbounded self speaks to us in her very particular language. My work comes from this dreamy world. The title is also a bit provocative, this is definitely my most erotic work.

Between the course you are going to teach at the Museo del Tessuto, in collaboration with DHG, and the exhibition itself you are going to spend many days in Prato. What would you like to do in your free time?
I hope to explore a bit of your city,and her surroundings. I  also woud love to visit the DHG complex very open for suggestions.

Baby Alpaca Tops - Raw Colors
Natural White
100 g € 9,73
500 g € 44,82
1 kg € 85,36
Book: Falling for Felt
Falling for Felt
1 pc. € 14,95
70%Maori 30%Bergschaf Carded Wool - Mélange Colors Collection
100 g € 2,99
500 g € 13,25
1 kg € 25,24

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