Whenever someone has come to visit us over the past few months, and there have been many, we’ve had them test out this new product and the reactions have always been so enthusiastic that we couldn’t wait for this day to come. 14.5 Micron Merino Wool Tops is truly beyond all of our expectations. It is so soft. Almost as soft as cashmere. But obviously with a much more competitive price which we hope will make it within most people’s reach, if not everyone’s.
You might ask yourselves how and where we unearthed it. Well, it wasn’t easy and here at DHG we can pride ourselves on having some fantastic suppliers, the real-life Indiana Jones of fibers, who discovered this wool for us in Australia, where it is as precious as it is rare.
As a matter of fact, not all farms offer it because the production of 14.5 Micron Merino Wool Tops is a wise (and complex) mix of Mother Nature and Human Genius who, in this case most of all, go hand in hand (as it always should be), with the latter religiously respecting the former.
Why am I telling you this? Because, to give the wool this micron and these morphological characteristics, only the most beautiful lambs are chosen and, as Francesco (our favorite wool scout) always says, once chosen they begin life on a bonified beauty farm created just for them. It is only diets and cuddles for these fair and sweet animals who they say walk around in little sweaters made especially for them and which are essential for the development of such a fine fleece. We like to think that it really really really is like this and we dream of one day going to visit this farm of dreams in person, so we can learn new things and to be your eyes and ears. Another dream for our wishlist… We’ll see!
For the moment we will have to make do with Francesco’s stories and with this marvelous wool, for which we chose 2 testimonials. Both short and sweet! Two months ago, my little dog Lana and her companion Lapo (two Australian shepards… as fate would have it!) became parents to two little menaces: Attila (a name has never been so accurate) and Alice. Could we find anyone else better suited to test the softness of this wool? Agnese (our photographer) immortalized them grappling with this super soft fiber. It is so soft that it is baby soft, or puppy soft as we say. Take a look at the pictures. I just want to throw myself in with them in all their innocence. How about you?
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