Wooppers: minimalistic wool slippers

If you want to keep your feet warm during the winter months and also give them a modern and minimalist style, then you must look to Wooppers. A shop that offers beautiful felt slippers, carefully made by hand. The founder of Wooppers - which stands for woollen slippers - is Chryssa Adrakta, an incredible multifaceted woman with very clear ideas. As a result, she has turned her dream into a full-time job.

On her online store you can find her story, the philosophy behind the slippers and all the characteristics of these woollen wonders.

Just for us she has made a pair of felt slippers with delicate shades with a camouflage style. The fibers selected by Chryssa's are Bergschaf and our exclusive blend of New Zealand wool called Maori, both are carded.

And now sit back and enjoy reading the interview with Chryssa!

Carded Maori Wool - The Classics Collection
100 g € 4,57
500 g € 16,75
1 kg € 30,46
Carded Maori Wool - The Classics Collection
100 g € 4,57
500 g € 16,75
1 kg € 30,46
Carded Bergschaf Wool - The Classics Collection
100 g € 4,20
500 g € 15,39
1 kg € 27,99
Carded Bergschaf Wool - The Classics Collection
100 g € 4,20
500 g € 15,39
1 kg € 27,99

Who is Wooppers? Find out in our dual interview

What made you become a felt artisan?
I always thought of being an accessories designer, though it had never occurred to me to make felt items. The only felt-themed items I knew of were Kazakhstani rugs and slippers, which I had seen at an exhibition in London many years earlier and which impressed me with their colours and texture. Felt came into my life as a consequence of a specific decision, that is to change-up my career as a designer. Before working with felt I was involved in industrial glass and lighting and, although I love any creative process, I needed a change. I felt the need to distance myself from the countless creations of a highly commercial product. So, I started again from scratch. I felt the need to do something that I considered more important for the well-being of others and done in my own way. It was winter and I found a tuft of wool in my hands. It was so warm and tangible that it immediately caught my attention, so much so that I wanted to learn more about wool. I began to think about what I could do with it. Wool could be an advantageous medium, both in terms of initial investment and space, to be able to start experimenting with its different uses. Looking for information on the internet and attending some courses organized by the local stores was enough to get me started. I soon had to decide which creation to start with and it was my cold feet that made the decision for me: a nice pair of slippers. I then had to work hard to understand how to make slippers that are attractive for selling. I started producing and, shortly after, all my friends and relatives had a pair of slippers made by me, in my kitchen. And when I reached the 30th pair, I decided that I could start selling them. The Wooppers (wool slippers) consequently took off!

What is the most challenging aspect of your work?
Managing a small company and maintaining an artisanal production is already a challenge in itself. This December it will have been 8 years since I sold my first pair of Wooppers and the journey has always been quite testing. I had to use all my knowledge during the process, both practical and marketing knowledge, to continue learning. Aspects of how to manage the shop on Etsy, SEO and social media were all new to me. Now they have become daily practices but are nevertheless constantly evolving. This year I turned 60 and I must say that I'm truly feeling good. The biggest challenge now is to keep myself in a state of well-being, to carry on my work with the same values as always, to maintain a balance between private life and work life, between practical needs and customer needs.

And the most interesting?
I used to think that making objects was the most beautiful aspect of my life. But no, that's not quite the case. I definitely find the relationships that are formed with people much more interesting. The possibility I have of developing relationships with the people who help me with my work, but also with customers and their needs and their insecurities. Their beauty and their happiness. I enjoy having conversations with people from all over the world. It's a great way to be outgoing.

For what are you most grateful for?
I am grateful for this moment. And for every moment I'm alive.

A quality you do not have, but would like to?
There is a wonderful quality that I do not normally use, but that I'm trying to bring out: non-reactivity. I firmly believe that if I reflect for a moment before reacting to something then my answer will be better and even more useful for everyone. My generation had to learn to run before we could walk, and this messed things up a bit. But I am happy to have discovered over the years that the slower the better. Because giving yourself time to think leads to a greater level of awareness and the work also runs more smoothly.

Your perfect day?
Outdoors! By bike, kayak, walking or hiking, swimming or even just standing still and enjoying nature. When I dedicate myself to these activities, any day will always become the perfect day! My perfect day above all, however, is when I go to my studio, work, then leave the studio happy and take the time to bake some bread or to study Spanish and, in the end, I find myself with family and friends. A little rest and then the following day we do it all again!

If you enjoyed the interview with Wooppers and wish to find out more about the techniques used in making wool slippers, then we suggest reading our section dedicated to the technique of water felting.