Trini Guzmān is a Chilean knitter, weaver and embroider who loves exploring the endless possibilities that different material has to offer. The embroidery and her textile customisation technique, which is what made me first notice her, are wonderful and versatile means of communication. Then, if its handmade as well it makes it even more meaningful.
Her inquisitiveness and love of experimenting add to the effect of her handmade embroideries: that of surprise. Trini gets her inspiration from nature and plant and abstract shapes but she only works out how the embroidery is going to look just before starting it. After having carefully analysed the yarn shes going to use that is.
Shes made a jean jacket and a wool sweater for us. For these two gorgeous pieces she chose yarns of contrasting colours with different thickness too and the outcome is a mix of colours which at first glance have nothing to do with each other but actually go really well together. Dont you think so?
She has embroidered huge leaf motifs onto these outerwear garments. Big juicy ones on the sweater and more spindly ones for the jacket, but both are very impressive.
I like everything about Trini. The passion that goes into her work, the careful consideration of the materials and colours and the style but most of all I like the vibrant and positive vibes you get from her creations. We could all do with a bit of that!
You can find Trini Guzmān on her Instagram profile Holaleon. Its really worth visiting! You can also find her book there La Revoluciōn del bordado which means the Revolution of embroidery. For the moment its only in Spanish but I hope itll at least be translated into English soon as its got a really enticing title!
Trini has got another exclusive project in store for us so make sure you stay tuned!
Bye for now!