Silk chiffon Pom Pom

Silk Chiffon Pom Pom

DHG silk chiffon 6 in color Sand
Ribbon of your choice
Sewing machine or hand sewing needle and thread

Chiffon 6 Silk Ribbon, 1 cm wide - 20 m - The Classics Collection
Natural White
1 pc. € 9,99
140 cm wide Silk Chiffon 6 - The Classics Collection
1 m € 29,80
2 m € 58,42
140 cm wide Silk Chiffon 6 - The Classics Collection
1 m € 29,80
2 m € 58,42

Let's Start!


  • Cut two (or more) identical strips of your silk chiffon. Width and length of the strips will determine the size of your pom pom.

  • Use a running stitch to loosely sew through the length of the strip, either by hand or with a sewing machine, leaving a good amount of loose thread on both ends

  • Pull the thread and ruffle the strip from both sides. Repeat on other strips.

  • Tie the centre of one ruffled strip using the ribbon, again, leaving some loose amount on both ends: you’ll need them to hang your pom pom once it’s finished

  • Place the second ruffled strip on top. Align the centres, but rotate the second one to form a cross.

  • Tie the second strip in place by using the loose ends of the ribbon.

  • Trim the edges of your pom pom with the scissors and finally ruffle it gently with your fingers, to make it look all fluffy.

  • Here’s your finished pom pom! Use the loose ends of the ribbon to hang it or tie it as a decoration or even wear it as a cute headpiece. For larger pom poms, we recommend adding more strips to achieve a fuller look.

Thanks to Assunta for pom pom hand-crafting.

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