Color storytelling: Dream


I am one of those people who give a lot of importance to dreams. To me, Dream is like a night-guide indicating the way to follow during my waking hours. The only problem in all of this is that often I don't remember what I dream very well, so most of the time I have to follow my intuition to choose the right path. 

I believe dreams are little magical tales that are worth sharing, like short but interesting movies, guarding truths and fears. That's why I am going to tell you about a recurring dream I have been having for a few years. A dream that I remember with growing intensity, and that is becoming more and more full of details overtime.

I see myself from above, lying on a hill brimming with red and blue flowers. In front of me I see the sea, so calm and crystal clear. I am siren, covered in golden scales, shining like mother-of-pearl, and I am wearing a necklace of seastars and shells that are speaking and smiling to me.  I lie there, having fun with my little animal friends. I am waiting. A friend comes by, a very special one. He lies down next to me. I haven't seen him in a long time, I have been missing him a lot, so I am very happy that he is finally here with me. My heart is going crazy, beating out of my chest, and a very powerful light comes on. My friend is covered in blue and golden feathers. He can fly but he cannot swim. The opposite of me. I know, he knows. We communicate telepathically. Our lips are not moving and our eyes seem to do all the talking. We say to each other that it is so wonderful to meet again there. That the time we spent apart was full of new faces and different fragrances, of beautiful and difficult things, and that we are going to tell each other all about it now. But soon it's time to say goodbye. I need to go back to my sea, he needs to go back to his mountains. He tells me I should not cry and that place will still be our place. He plucks a feather off of himself. I put it in my hair. I give him one of my scales which he sticks to his plumage. Faraway, yet so close. Two different beings but with a little piece of each other to hold onto, forever. He takes me and helps me reach the sea. We will meet again soon.

The color dream for me is like a hymn, encouraging me to believe that there will always be a way to fulfill a goal. No matter how easy or hard to do something may be, you can always find a solution as long as you really want to. In my case it was, and it is, to find a common ground with a friend who is so different from me and at the same time so necessary for my happiness. I know, this is a complicated plan and it requires a constant effort, but with a bit of luck the result makes it all worth it.

And what is your recurring dream? Has it come true, or are you still working on it?

Good night, and sweet dreams to you all.

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